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Sunday, February 11, 2007

The World Chocolate Movement

Once upon ago, I decided I wanted to make something of my life. Join the ranks of people who’ve made a difference to this world. People like the powerpuff girls and superman. In short to save the world, make a difference.

You often hear how the world is such a messed up place and how there are so many things wrong with the world today. I realized that before I could play the part of the woman from that movie Mother Teresa. I would have to first figure out exactly what it is that is the problem.

After many minutes of deep thought, I found that most of the world’s problems, in relation to its peoples, fall into either of two categories. The first is in the lack of the basic necessities of life, lack of food and water. Starvation and dehydration.

The second is unhappiness due to other reasons. Strange things such as feelings and emotions. Think the weirdo whose hundred thousand hundred thousand dollar cars, for some strange reason don’t fulfill his life.

Having made my first breakthrough (apparently the first step to figuring out the answer is figuring out the question) I decided to carry on and put in a few more minutes of deep thought.

After a few more minutes of deep thought, I figure the answer. Chocolate.

Before you go hey, chocolate is not the answer to all of life’s problems, consider this, chocolate does indeed help alleviate both types of problems in life. It helps hunger plus it makes you happy.

Why writes I this? For figuring out the answer and keeping it to myself would be completely useless. Now that we have the answer we need the action. The existing system for the production of chocolate in this economy driven world is not suitable for saving the world. We need to take over all the companies dealing in chocolate, and restructure them. In short this is a public domain appeal for the formation of the World Chocolate Movement. Once it is formed, the fate of the entire world will rest in its hands.


Anonymous said...

hilarious! i agree completely. ur a nut man.

Anonymous said...

chocolate is often the same colour as shit

firestarter said...

interesting observation. means if we started replacing all the shit in this world with chocolate. it would take a while before people even noticed

Anonymous said...

did ur parents drop u on ur head wen u wer a kid?


firestarter said...

no i was always ahead of the other kids. i managed to do it on my own.

Anonymous said...

so is sleeping on the dirtiest bus floor also some kind of an evolutionary trait?

My name is red said...

i don't know about the feasibility of such a movement, though i commend mr.apathy for his efforts. i don't know where it started but i remember once in school when you weren't feeling too well and said you were quite sick i gave you a chocolate and you felt instantly better. i don't think this works on everyone though...

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